Friday, April 10, 2009

In Which John Has a Pretty Sweet Week

Monday: After auditioning for the Godzilla plays, Abby, Andrew and I lied in the field and watched the clouds, then the sunset, then the stars. Abby said it was the perfect moment, and if she were to die right then, she'd be satisfied.

Tuesday: I got into one of the plays which is about a sperm's adventure. I play the Narrator. I convinced the director to let me play it as Eros, god of love, lust, and sex, rather than the boring professor-type she had written. I'm just trying to make it so I have a costume similar to Pit from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Wednesday: I participated in an improv competition among three Sydney universities. Australians have a lot of different improv games than Americans. We didn't win, but everyone (the audience, the other competetors, and the judges) loved my serious, realistic scene about a marriage proposal that never occurs.

Thursday: I watched Twlight with the Thrill Seekers. Not every day can be great.

Friday: I visited Allie and Amy's home to eat Passover dinner. It was absoultely amazing, and I wish I could have stayed longer, but I have to get ready for New Zealand tomorrow.

So, I'll catch up with you guys in 10 days.

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